I think it’s safe to say that Nicholas Hoult has become easily one of my favorite actors, not just on his acting prowess alone, but the fact that I just like most of the movies that he’s in. Looking up his filmography, I didn’t even realize I’ve seen him in more things that I initially realized, I’ve seen a ton of his voice over work as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up being one of the top actors by the end of the 2020’s. For Juror #2 I love what he brings to the table, literally and figuratively. They show early on of his unreliable narrator adjacent role and that he’s just a product of unfortunate circumstances that are strung together by a single poor decision. His quiet anxiety and underlying vigilantism is done with such a subtle undertone that he just comes across as weird and uncomfortable, totally works for the character of Justin Kemp. He’s a good guy struggling with the reality that is set in motion.
Nicholas Hoult carries, I wasn’t as smitten with the rest of the cast. I’m one of the biggest Toni Collette supporters but I didn’t find her particularly great or moving. She’s given the role of a DA in the running trying to just phone in an apparent “slam dunk” case. She isn’t exactly given a lot to work with. J.K. Simmons is good in the time he is given but is probably given the least amount of screentime. The other jury members are just stereotypical figures that check a box for town personalities. The cast isn’t bad, it’s just really a story seen through the POV if Justin Kemp, and that is perfectly fine.
The story is fantastic. I think that Jonathan Abrams delivers a nice original screenplay. It’s as if they took one of the top Law & Order episodes and massaged it longer into a story that has juicy layers to peel away. They make the obvious twist come up early, it’s also promoted in the trailers, but it’s dealing with the consequences of the twist that makes this story so entertaining. I literally have no idea what I’d do in his situation, so crazy!
Clint Eastwood is goated in the film industry, not saying he does no wrong ever, but he’s just great at elevating simply stakes and showing struggles in community when having indifferent opinions. He brings in the same cinematographer as his 2018 film The Mule, Yves Bèlanger and he handles this movie differently with a more anxiety filled approach. Those close ups on Kemps face, his POV during the accident, the inaudible tension between Kemp and his wife, yes it’s the actors, but precise movements enhance the emotions.
Juror #2 is moving mystery, it has moments that will make your eyes roll in the most positive way possible.
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