In a world where lots of cinema choose to villainize modern day AI and incorporate it into the horror genre (i.e. M3gan, Subservience, Afraid, etc) this film decides to uniquely romanticize the concept. It’s a big swing, and the first that I’ve really seen done in this way.
Unique is going to be an overarching theme here, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to good all the time. The beginning is a very interesting satirical view on today’s society and The Zucheros cherry pick what the satellite and buoy want to base human life on.
That concept of two machines falling in love with each other and using human history to learn how to fall in love, that’s not entirely different of how real humans fall in love. That form of learning to fall in love is actually just as scary as AI learning to kill people if you think about it…
The story is great but it kind of threw me off because there’s kind of 2 acts, or the 2nd act is split into two parts and that is kinda weird, or unique. Whatever. Anyway, at the core of things, it’s a love story. Me and Iam utilize the internet to personify love, and they find it difficult to express to each other in what they feel is the proper way, there is really nothing more human than that honestly.
Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun are amazing, Their portrayal of humans and machines that grow to have human emotions is very meticulous and specific. They don’t really have the challenge of portraying 2 different characters each because the couple at the beginning is how they eventually become at the end. They have great chemistry, and I would love to see the continuation of this story in some form. Also, this movie has a very weird sex scene…
On that note… Love Me provides a different experience on what is now the AI genre. A fun story, but definitely will not resonate with a lot of people.
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