New Podcast!

Published on 9 November 2022 at 20:29

     Well I’m back on this bullshit again haha. Super excited to be exploiting one of the favorite things about myself again, which is my voice. After doing the promo and the first episode I realized that I haven’t been spending much time talking as much haha. 


     Yes I’m bringing in another podcast into the world that you probably don’t have enough time in your day to listen too, but tough shit, listen to it or don’t I’m not your father. For those of you that do decide to utilize your very valuable time and listen to the wonder podcast that is The Marvel & DC Cinematic Study Guide, I would like to thank you, you will be rewarded with one of the best things in this world that I have to offer my voice. Not in the figurative and representational sense but in a literal one, like the sound of my voice is soothing af.

       So one of the reasons why I wanted to get back on the saddle in the podcast game again was because this is something that I really like talking about. I have found myself recently not being as verbally illiterate as I used to, and I’m doing it solo because most of the time when I have these conversations about comic books and movies I feel like I’m talking to a wall anyway so the podcast isn’t really as different hehe. I’m speaking in hyperbole of course but regardless this is just something that I like to talk about, I’m all about the topics of what superhero could beat what superhero, what villain is the most important to what character and why, who is the true love of Spider-Man, that’s what I like, not your boring topics like abortion and voting that are obviously way less important than comic books. I don’t know how far I can go in the podcast game, who knows I may drop this again to focus on anything but podcasts or the internet. We’ll see where this goes, all I know is that I’m happy to start again. I did miss the editing, the self given deadlines, and seeing where things went so hopefully the libido I have for podcasts can have some longevity this time around. 


     I do wish that I had come up with this idea sooner and to be honest, I was struggling with a good idea for months, and this isn't even that good of an idea if we're being honest, plus the name is so long hahaha. I did get the ok from the wifey so if the name holds me back from listens and/or downloads then I will put all the blame on her and divorce her whilst taking custody of all three kids. You may call this an overreaction but I call it the justification of entropy. Yes I used that word correctly. Other feelings I have behind this new podcast is that, one of the main people I would talk to about the soliloquy of Marvel and DC movies was my brother, when he passed away it's not an over exaggeration that that messed me up. I've been very much just self focused, it's been difficult to go to social gatherings, let alone school that I have to go to. So I switched my view to things that bring me joy, no matter how small or how big from video games, to movies, to sex, to doing cartwheels in public parking lots, and even cleaning. Above everything my kids, I spend every second I can with them, being unemployed gives you a lot of free time. Hopefully by the time I'm done with school I'll have achieved Joe Rogan status and can live of this podcast mwuahaha, my hyper realistic goal is to achieve that in 2 months. 


     By the time this is posted I should have my first episode out, working on some poems and short stories to post here as well. Hopefully one day when I look back at these posts I can be looking back from a better place and a more polished podcast haha. I actually hope more for not anyone digging this crap up and cancelling me for something, like maybe podcasts are the main cause of the rise of Skynet in 2029 that takes down the human race.... Maybe I should rethink this whole thing....





The Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Study Guide Pod is live! Click here or on the cover art to listen on your favorite platform.

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