Summer 2022 Level 1

Published on 13 June 2022 at 23:30

What a fantastic start to this summer I'm having. Once the stress of being in the dark for your grades passes by, you just get the sense of accomplishment and readiness for the nourishment that the Summer provides for you. Dropping my summer class was such a great decision, yeah I could have gotten a class ahead, but this time off is fantastic and not having to worry about anything is second to none. Spending time with my kids is amazing. Being a parent is way more satisfying then I ever would have imagined. This time of me not working and being the stay at home parent won't last forever. I'm cherishing every moment I have. I literally just laid on the couch and they were on each of my arms, I wasn't on my phone or even watching tv, I was just enjoying this moment of pure euphoria and nothing else mattered. They were on their iPads and they were having me watch what they were watching or playing and even taking pictures of us. That is a moment of time that I hope sticks with me when I'm on my deathbed. 


All my other interests are at an all time high. Comics are pumping out some great stories.... should I start a blog about comics?... The Giants are competitive, the 49ers look promising and as of now the Warriors are 1 win away from possibly winning another championship. I won't be to bent out of shape if the Warriors end up losing, I was fortunate enough to witness all the current chips and basketball was always more of my brother and Dad's thing anyway. Not trying to go to the parade with my crazy kids haha. Other than that this has been a good year for movies so far, a little behind on my screenings and reviews but shiiiiiiii, I'm living my best life and I'm ready for anything baby. 


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