What this championship means to me...
First and foremost long live #Dubnation
Yes I would consider myself a die heard Warriors fan, even though I favor baseball and football over the sport, it's amazing that the team this team has gotten to a point of nationwide discussion. I first started going to games with my father in the late 90's as a child, I knew certain players names but didn't really pay attention until the 2007 We Believe team (still my favorite squad even though they only won a single series). However, the Warriors were never my main team, the San Francisco Giants will always be my first love, everything about baseball speaks to me more then the X's & O's that football and basketball have to offer. The Warriors were always my father and brothers team, it was their favorite sport to watch and play. When the Dubs would take L's, it would suck for all of us but for the other 2 men in my family it stung more, I saw that sorrow ridden face in the mirror when the Giants would lose.

The 2015 Warriors and 2010 Giants championships were the only ones that all 3 of us were able to experience together.

Fast Forward to the current Dynasty that the Warriors have going on, pure euphoria in 2015 when the Warriors won that first championship. My father fist pumping in the air, my mother dancing in the living room, and my brother and I hugging until we fell on the floor. One of our last true happy family moments together. The last NBA Finals my father saw was 2016 when they lost before he passed away, and the last NBA Finals my brother saw was in 2019 before he tragically left us unexpectedly. As the following years of went by and the Warriors fell into a brief hole of mediocrity, it made it more difficult to cope with my grief, with my sorrow, knowing that the team my Dad and baby brother loved had fallen so far from the mountain top. Those late night texts and phone calls about our teams have been absent from my life. The Warriors sucked longer than they've been a dynasty, so when they briefly went back to those early 2000s days, I had no one to share the my thoughts with because the only ones I ever shared them with were my Dad and brother. I know this is a situation that a lot of families in other sports fanbases wish they had, I'm not ignoring that, I'm simply acknowledging how lucky I am.
Now I'm here again, Warriors at the top, and I have no one hugging me to the ground, no one else except myself fist bumping in the air, no one that shared those memories with me all those years ago. Sports has always been a sacred thing for me, it wasn't until I was 24 that I took anyone else to a sports event, it was always my brother Simon and my Dad and sometimes my mother up until then. I don't really watch with friends (something I'm exploring now) and I'm not used to watching these games without sharing some sort of inside joke from childhood, at times I feel empty. Even with this championship, I had so many things go through my mind of what I wanted to text people that don't exist anymore. Knowing those texts would have been sent into a void with no recipient brings me down. I miss my Dad, Lord knows I miss Simon... even though it was expensive, I was able to get an extra championship hat for all the Warriors runs they missed so that it will be buried with them. In the Philippines my father is buried with my older brother who also passed away, Simon's ashes will soon join them, and they will have these hats in there with them because I know that even now, they will appreciate them more than me.

This is the grave of my older brother and my father in the Cebu, Philippines, Simon will soon join them, this is an older pictures as we have since renovated the area so that it's at it's best when Simon finally goes to his resting place.
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