Insert defying gravity battle cry here
Holy unadulterated fasticalazication, this was a pure cinematic experience. Coming from someone who has not had the fortune of seeing any iteration of the live action musical performance in any medium, I came into this movie relatively blind to the plot. I was aware of some parts of some songs, also I have an over encompassing knowledge of The Wizard of Oz because I’ve seen the movies, read the books, and having some pop culture awareness gives you insight on the general beats of these stories.
With all that being said, I was abso freaking lutley not prepared to literally be blown away by this visual and ethereal buffet of pure bliss and emotion. What is there to say that hasn’t already been said a bajillion times all over all social media platforms? Wicked Part I was made by filmmakers that truly and deeply care for the lure of the musical. FYI I consider any person in the end credits of a movie to be a film maker. Everyone from the star studded cast and director to the assistant intern to the sound guy truly gave a flying monkey f%$ about making sure that this movie was executed to an elevated level of perfection.
Cynthia Erivo… wow. Her intricate subtleties and yet over the top and high-flying performance of Elphaba is done so, freaking, well. I had no knowledge of her really or her talents. I have seen her in a few shows and enjoyed her audio performance in 1984 as Julia, but I was not really expecting her, or much of anyone really, to even hold a candle to the vocal talents of Arians Grande-Butera, but my freaking goodness, she doesn’t just nail this performance, she simply is Elphaba. The same goes for Ariana Grande-Butera, she had the highest admiration of Glinda and really makes it her own. She was perpetually born to play this role. I’ve seen some things online about people being surprised by her pinpoint accurate comedic timing and glitter covered pompous attitude she achieved for this role, but she literally started as a child actor on Nickelodeon, all those things are the standard honestly. Give both inspiring women all the flowers and accolades. The only complaint I guess would be the award push for both actresses. Erivo and Grande are really co-leads when it comes down to it, but the studio is pushing Grande as a supporting actress so that they can both win. I have a very minor problem with that because Glinda is anything but supporting here, yes it’s called Wicked but award fraud is real and the studios just want to do whatever wins more awards, and I understand that, whether only one winning over the other in the same category or both winning in different categories truly benefits the stars careers is very subjective so I won’t care too much about it, but at the end of the day… Cynthia Erivo is an Oscar away from being the youngest EGOT winner…
The rest of the cast is outstanding. I appreciate the director, Jon M. Chu going with actors and actresses that would bring the movie to the promise land the right way. Yes a Jonas brother would probably bring more box office than a Jonathan Bailey, but the latter embodies what Fiyero is and can be. Michelle Yeoh is great in my opinion, I have a feeling others will not agree but her presence brings a natural overarching intimidating demeanor, she gives final boss vibes without even trying. That may be just because I’ve seen her kick ass in literally any other genre of film and show, but I feel like she perfectly carries out what Madame Morrible is supposed to be. Jeff Goldblum was also the only casting choice that I was really excited for going into the movie, he’s not a true character actor but his born charisma is great for the Wizard, I do feel like he brings a dad vibe with a douchebag undertone that really brings the antagonistic feel that pushes his story forward. I do wish there was more of him but that’s why there’s a sequel coming.
Jon M. Chu’s decision to do as much practical effects so that we get what we get in front of the camera is chefs kiss. I love it. I’m fine with what we get in cinema today, I’m not a CGI snob most of the time I feel anyway, but honestly you just can’t beat what’s right in front of those expensive cameras and they beat what you can generate on a computer 8/10 times. The downside is that when there is CGI, like with the animals, it doesn’t always blend well but it never took me out of the movie, nor did it ruin my experience. Chu also directed In the Heights, another musical I loved, and he really took everything positive he could from that experience to help bring Wicked to the next level. I loved all the dance sequences, the singing, the decisions he made was always to honor what is and improve on what to do.
Of course, for a musical, the sound design has to be good, and it so was here, no notes. The overall look and aesthetic is amazing. The use of the green and pink overtone is a magical combination of different ingredients that I never knew I needed. The lighting and angles used, especially in the forests and the night scenes are soooooo good. It really makes the land of Oz real. The cinematography is simply beautiful, to repeat the theme of this review, everyone that had a hand in making this film, truly loved the lure to the core. The last scene I really want to GUSH about is the final scene of course, literally on the edge of my seat in the theatre. When Elphaba flies away at a million miles per hour, the wind sound effects, the sound of her cape, the stance on the broom, her face of uncertain determination…. Wow. Just. Wow. That is up there with some of the greatest flying scenes in cinematic history. I put it up there with The Never Ending Story, Peter Pan, and even Superman. The last 10 seconds before the end credits role seriously live rent free in my mind.
I don’t think splitting this movie up into 2 parts is a mistake, it does put pressure on Part 2 to perform well, but other than that, this is such a beloved IP, lets add as much depth to the story as we can so that it can really be appreciated even more. Not everyone has the chance to go to a live musical play, not everyone reads books. Cinema is the easiest and most accessible form of comfort and entertainment to spread to wide spread audiences. So if film makers feel like it is at the betterment of the film and the audience to give the proper time and care to movies then that should be the right choice. However… this year intermission is going to kill me slowly. This movie is definitely a big draw, I feel like the only thing holding families back would be the run time, 2hr 40m is a long for most children, other than that… go watch this damn movie again and again. Movie theatres aren’t dead.
Wicked Part I is a majestic journey that I’m more than willing to experience again and again.
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