Well this movie wrecked me hard.
The animation is stunning. It may not be an original concept but the transitions from life to manga is crazy good. Animation is such a beautiful and underappreciated medium. If anyone doesn’t agree with that sentiment, then you show them this movie, it’s not long at all and it hooks you in from the beginning. The whole aesthetic is just an orgasm for all of the cinematic experiencing senses. The cinematography is so fluid, the running scenes can rival greatly choreographed long tunnel fight scenes they are so good.
What really gets you is the emotion that Look Back organically makes you feel with the actions of the characters and the moving music. Both Ayumi and Kyomoto are relatable as hell, you get why they do what they do. The theme of this movie is the relationships you build and how time can never disrupt any bond that is meant to last, even if you think it’s too late.
I loved and hated this film, sometimes the best movies do that to you.
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