Jessie Eisenberg delivers HARD here. To be able to present to the world such a nice story in every aspect is amazing. Not only does he bring out the best in himself, but he also brings out the best in his cast. Specifically, Kieran Culkin. They portray cousins David Kaplan & Benji Kaplan, respectively, and this movie is essentially a travel buddy movie.
They love each other but are so different and Eisenburg dives right into that. He poses questions about love, life and family while questioning the rhetoric that we all live in, the numbness that we have chosen to self-inflict on each other to ignore the darkness of the world just so that we can be happy, hell, he even questions if happiness is something that we deserve in this cycle of pain and happiness.
This movie doesn’t stray away from the hard questions, all while you’re supposed to be on the family trip of history. A Real Pain is plopped on our laps to provoke deeper than deep thought in a way that is relatable. While it does shove it in your face aggressively, that is done be design since sometimes that’s what it would take for people to care.
Movies like this make me so happy. You don’t need long runtimes, high budgets are A+ list celebrities to draw award or high acclaim, none of those things matter to create a film of substance. Jesse Eisenberg as a director/writer should be protected at all costs!
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