Fully was not buying the whole, Pamela Anderson good performance thing at first. But holy hell… I’m definitely on the Pam got snubbed for best actress at the Oscars.
She probably was not going to win if she found a way in, but still being nominated is big, and with the way the voters are, who knows? I figure since there were not other nominations for the movie they just figured, fuck this film… Pamela Anderson leads this powerfully casted ensemble. You want to weep for these women who just want to figure out what they’re doing with their life. Anderson really shines here, I can see people just not getting with her line delivery, but she reeks of raw emotion. She’s tunes into her real inner struggles of being over sexualized in pop culture and really channels it here into the performance of Shelly. Shelly has an outlet that makes her feel beautiful and she unapologetically thrives in that contrived beauty, at any cost.
The performances aside, the story is ok and surface level at best. There is a lot of plot threads that are under developed and not given enough screen time, this movie could have definitely benefitted from a longer run time as the pacing was great. As entertaining and emotional as it is, it’s not really something that hasn’t been done before. I love that this movie exists, I love that this will most likely get Pamela Anderson more serious and fruitful work, I just don’t think this that The Last Showgirl has much of substance to leave an audience.
Aesthetically, this movie has a great look on the eyes with its accurate costume design and the soundtrack is really good. There’s a scene towards the end where you don’t know what Shelly is experiencing is real or in her head, and the music really drives you into the indefinite reality that is the life of Shelly.
Pamela Anderson is a bright star in a run of the mill feel good movie. Worth a watch if you have the time.
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